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Communities > Diagnostics > USA Cars > Honda immobilizer function?
Honda immobilizer function?

2303 Views 1 Replies Latest reply: 2017-06-29 21:21:09

  •   Level 1   
    (5) points
    2017-06-29 12:39:09

     Hello all, I am in the market for a personal use scan tool. I am an auto service tech but would prefer to have my own tool and I hear a lot of good things about Autel. This could not have came at a better time because I am currently in need of a tool that will allow me to replace the ECM in a Honda and be able to code the new ECM so it works with the Immobilizer. Can any of you guys tell me if the Maxidas DS808 will take care of that or which tool I would be looking at? The car is a 2006 Honda Civic EX. Other than that it will be used with mainly domestic vehicles. I'd want something that would be able to allow me to replace transmissions and do quick learns ect. I wont need any kind of European auto support if that matters.


  •   Level 10   
    (7578) points

    2017-06-29 21:21:09 (Reply to:cavillac)

         The old DS708 used to be able to be able to successfully do more OE  special functions than the present day non J2534 Max Sys with all the later system optimizations and interface tweaks made to keep them one step ahead of the OE copyright lawyers.Actual functionality for those functions that might have worked on 3 year old videos  might be more of a hit or miss proposition now than the bygone days when the OE software was more or less copied than convoluted and re engineered to appear as Autel's own. It might be less frustrating to just  pay more for Strap On and quickly find that a function is just not listed, then see a  function is still listed on a Autel tool that Autel might  know damn well that it has been broken for the last 2 years  , but broken or a court ordered disabled function that still appears in list , so you waste 20 minutes trying it and just thinking it is a temporary glitch that will hopefully be resolved in the next update if you send in a datalog.
    Let us know if the DS808 can still do the function.
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